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Online Service For DNA Encoding

What?! What's this blog post title again? DNA encoding?

Yap, as I got more posts about various topics. Here's another one. A website to know more our unique DNA. We learn some lessons about DNA in our Genetics class. Well, I remember I had the subject in school but I can;t remember much about genetics. I just remember the acronym DNA.

Speaking of DNA, did you know that you can get to know more of your DNA online? Cool eh? But, that's is not just for coolness sake. There's also some medical benefits. If your doctor knows your genetics, then they can diagnose some potential disease you may inherit from your parents. Your doctors will also know on what key areas of your health they should focus on. I'm no doctor, I just read it from the site. ☺

What site? The site is 23andme.com and if your asking where do I get those websites? Sorry, I can't really remember how exactly did I discovered 23andme.com. I just explore the internet, and every time I see something worth sharing  then I just share it through 1pinoyblogger.com.

Here's some fascinating videos, Genetics 101:

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Through this time called INFORMATION AGE, even some bored subjects genetics can become more fun and accessible.

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