Jomar Hilario, my mentor, don't know how many times I've mentioned his name in his blog. But, it is just deserving 'cause I'm not blogging in the first place. I realized that Jomar's passion is really not to make you wealthy but to have a wealthy mindset.
All of the poverty that we been experiencing today was brought due to our poverty mind-set. We don't see our selves wealthy, we are so dominated by our current situation. Though I'm still in the process, I can see how positively Jomar made an impact to me. I never though that I can do creative writing, never been in this very hour that I would think I'm blogging from the past. I know what is blog when I was college but I don't really care.
I know internet and I know marketing but not internet marketing, much more doing an online business. I dream of having a business that will give free time to do the things that really matter to me.
As Michael Gerber said in his book "The E-Myth Revisited,"
"The purpose of going into business is to get free of the job so that you can create jobs for other people."
Internet Marketing Questions:
These were some of the questions people asks Jomar regarding internet marketing, you can see all of these in his website.
Q: AdSense Disapproval Issue(Particular in the Philippines)
I really appreciate the online tutorial I am getting from you through emails everyday. I need help on something though. See, I already have a blog which I started last January. I must admit that I am not a daily writer which I hope to do something about this coming week (maybe give myself a challenge to write atleast one article a day). Anyways, I have tried to sign up for Adsense coz I believe that it generates some income, however minimal it must be. Sadly, my site have not been approved for the reason stated below:
Click here for the answer
Q: Hiring a Virtual Assistant
My blog is not yet earning, is it wise to hire a VA at this early?
Click here for the answer
Q: I'm a non-computer expert
Regarding the FREE 3 month ecourse. I'm very confused following your instructions. Im not a computer expert and its really very hard for me to follow your instructions. Hope you can make it more simple and friendly for persons like me.
thanks, carla
Click here for the answer
Q: How to introduce your blog
I'd like to ask, how do we "announce" (or email/pm/ym) to our friends, BFFs, relatives, enemies (hehe) that we have a blog. Is it like this? "Hey I have a blog its please come and visit, its fun!" Or is there any other way to introduce it to them? Oh and if you have the time pls do visit my blog (its real this time hehe) its
Click here for the answer
Q: Beautiful image for a blog
What's an example of a beautiful image for my blog?
Click here for the answer
Q: How to make money in Odesk
I already have an odesk account, unfortunately I didn't receive any notice or interview. I do not have any working experience in computer programming or whatsoever. I am a graduate of Education and currently working as an Administrative Assistant, am I qualified?
It's been 4-5 months ago I registered at odesk and unitl now I am still at 75% of my application. I do not have a lot of working experience in computer matter. Could you help me for this one?
Click here for the answer
There's plenty of this helpful information in his The reason why I'm linking the answers to the questions so that you will be force to go his site and somehow see more helpful information there. These were just some of the questions. Feel free to learn for free.
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