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How Geeks Get Their Satisfaction?

For quite a long time. I been denying to myself that I'm a geek. I saw those people with no social life, those who marries their desktop computer or MacBook, or any gadgets(the latest the better). I have a social life though I admit not that so in my school days so I'm a typical geek during those days.

But today I'm convinced that I am. Today, geekiness is somewhat a synonym to coolness. It's cool to be geek. Haha... They're the first to know the newest, coolest and all those geeky stuff that satisfies their needs. So what really makes a geek a geek. Why they exist?

Below is the pyramid, a hierarchy of needs of the geeks. Hint this is done by some geeks also. You can argue or believe in this. This might be for some fun with some truths somehow.

If you notice, geeks where in high if they got to talk at TED. If you will look at my last blog post before this. You will see how people talk in TED. They had a point, but if you don't think that way you will see those people some kind of aliens from far away planet. But, we can't deny that those people were the ones that moved the world today. I'm a geek in some way. This blog shows my geekiness but still need some progress. :)

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